We decided to make ‘Escape-West’ happen in February 2018. A tête-à-tête over a glass of wine in the winter months in Norway. All is quiet in the house. Our son had just turned three and the moon and the stars were aligned. How hard can it be?
Oh, now (nearly one year later) reality kicks in. It is like all say, the to-do lists are longer and the budget is a joke. One just have to let go.
It is like at home where you one night decides to re-paint a wall. Only to freshen a little…. Yeheyy, before you know it the whole wall comes down to open up more space and let light in, you have to redo the flooring and ceiling and while you are at it, a new kitchen finds it way to your credit card bill. then you know the feeling.
Today it is December 2018, the boat is on land, the rudder is out, the mast is off and the list goes on. All long lead items we want to replace is ordered. All finds its way to our credit-card and we – we are happy. Theresa say ‘ it is our home, so it is the same as redecorating‘. How cool is that !

We have now an overview of our preparations, we have a timeline, we have a budget and we know how we want to prepare. sy Escape leaves Norway on June 21st, 2019.
Follow our posts, tagged ‘preparation’ and we will update as we progress