We now have the nicest bowsprit not only in Pasito Blanco, but sy Escape is the first First to have such a solid base for anchor, gennaker and whatever else we decide to fly from our bow. I can also imagine a 5 year old that will climb and jump from it 🙂
For those of you that already read the ‘ life after 50+’ post you know we were hard hit in Biscaya going south. It was not only a windy crossing, it was a bumpy too.
Surfing down the waves sometimes result in sy Escape putting her nose under water and surely – it is the bowsprit that gets the hardest beating. When we arrived Baiona in Spain, Biscaya had cleaned off all the teak on the bowsprit. We needed a proper repair.
My original thought was to replace the teak, but when Jose Ramon saw it he was not impressed. He was right. The whole bowsprit was not strong enough and new teak would not be sufficient.
So, Jose Ramon took it off to his work-shop and cleand it up, threw out the leftovers from the teak and replaced it all with welded stainless steel planks.
Jose Ramon continues his excellent work and delivers every time. This time it is the bow spirit. Now we will not depart Gran Canaria before all thinkable stainless work is done on the boat.
If any of you need to have some stainless work done in Gran Canary – get in contact and I will link you up with Jose Ramon. It had been a pleasure to get to know him and a pleasure to see his work on sy Escape keeping her ‘go fast’ looks and enhanching her capabilities as our cruiser home.